Contact us

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Let us know if you want to cooperate with us or make some special edition orders for your company members or your friends.
If you have any questions or suggestions or new ideas how to develop our brand, feel free and contact with us.

If you wanna see our products and try on, follow as at FB page to know in which market you can find us.

Telephone: +371 29 363 404 LV / ENG - Agnese
Telephone: +371 29 398 714 RUS - Iveta
E-mail: [email protected]

What is FLASHION WEAR and what we are standing for?

My name is AGNESE PUNDIŅA - FRĪDENBERGA and I am the designer of brand. 

I am the ideas creator and soul of the FLASHION WEAR brand. I created the brand working on my Bachelor's work at the Art Academy of Latvia - Functional Design department.

After observing the dark evenings, I came to the conclusion that people don't really pay attention to their safety and unknowingly become invisible in the streets of the city. As a result of the research I created effective reflective clothing to improve this problem.

My goal is to turn the reflector into a stylish and effective accessory to attract more attention to their use and to promote greater safety among road users, especially pedestrians.

My goal was to create functional clothing and good looking reflective products mostly for the female audience.

And here we are ... offering reflective clothing and accessories that can be transformed in different ways, don't take up much space, are easy to carry, and attractive for users, making them feel comfortable, stylish and safe.